Sustainable redevelopment of shopping centre Het Stroink
Rudy Notkamp Work planner

Sustainable redevelopment of shopping centre Het Stroink


Sustainability played an important role in the redevelopment of the shopping centre, which dates back to the 70s. Het Stroink was not only extended, but also substantially renovated. Many authentic elements were chosen, such as thatched roofs and wooden cladding.

We also replaced and insulated flat roofs and realised an extension with a new Aldi. And all that in a 'live situation', because shopping had to go on at all times. Result: an exceptional building with a contemporary look that fits in well with the neighbourhood! 

Client:WP Retail Invest
What does our team have to say about this project?

”In addition to our construction work, the utility routes were also re-routed and the infrastructure of the entire car park was redone. All this made it a complex job.”

Herman KrabbenbosProject leader
What does our team have to say about this project?

”Carrying out our work in a live situation certainly caused some headaches, especially as the safety of the shopping public was of paramount importance. But we succeeded!”

Rudy NotkampWork planner